My story begins before I was born. My mom and dad always planned to have me, they just weren't sure when was the right time. Both were always working and both loved to travel the world. My mom battled endometriosis for a long time and after a few years of agonizing pain she was confronted by her doctor. She came home and told my dad "We have 6 months to get pregnant or I have surgery".
After months and months of no luck the doctor called my mom, it was two days before surgery, "You're pregnant, we're canceling surgery"! YEAH. Mom was told my due date would be January 26.
About 6 weeks in to the pregnancy my mom began having issues. One day walking to the mailbox she started bleeding a lot. It just wouldn't stop. After an hour of constant bleeding dad was home, he rushed mom to the hospital. They didn't say what was wrong but that she was most likely going to miscarry and to go to her doctor ASAP. They didn't see anything. So mom went home and was ordered to take it easy.
After two more trips to the ER mom finally finds out what's going on. I (my egg) had implanted itself in to the endometriosis side (left side) of mommy and it had caused a 2 inch tear. Everytime mom would walk or exercise it would tear more.
They again said she would miscarry and to go home. Mom was put on bed rest but still ended up in the ER another two times in the first trimester.

At five months pregnant mom was finally off bedrest and went to visit family in Ohio and she and dad took a vacation to St. George and Moab, Utah. Both being huge fans of mountain biking felt that Moab was the 'haven' for the sport. This was the birth of my name and the first time mom ever felt me kick.

At six months mom was back in the hospital and I wanted out. Mom went in to labor and had to stay there while they tried to keep me in the oven a bit longer. Mom went back on bedrest.
January 25th mom went in to labor around 6am. Finally heading to the hospital around 6pm with intense contractions. By 10pm they sent her home and gave her Ambien to help sleep. Mom sleeps for two days on Tylenol PM and she was worried about the Ambien but they said she'd wake up if there were contractions. At 2am mom woke up in extreme pain and couldn't even walk or talk. Dad sent out a few emails and mom had some raisin bran (warning do not eat raisin bran before delivering).
We made it to the hospital and the doctor told my mom and dad that I would be born by noon on the 26th. She happily took the epidural and went to sleep. The doctor came in around 8:30 am and told mom she was ready and it was time to push. Now this is where it gets tricky and long....
Mom was working hard to push me but nothing was happening. The doctor came in and told mom that I was a little sideways and upside down. The nurse screwed a heart monitor in to my head as the bands wouldn't stay on mom. But the monitor didn't stay on and the nurse screwed it in again. Mom continued to push but we were having complications. My heart rate would drop to dangerous levels every time mom pushed.
The doctor came back in and told mom she would have to deliver on her side and switch sides every 10 minutes. She also was only allowed to push on every fourth contraction. After 2 1/2 hours the doctor came back in to tell mom she only had 30 minutes left before we went to C-section. The doctor flipped me around on to my back and mom pushed. Before I decided to come out the doctor warned my mom that I was not going to be allowed to cry. I would get merconium in my lungs if I cried.
As soon as I arrived the doctors quickly took me to suction out my lungs and mom heard the doctor yell at the nurse. She had missed my head with the heart monitor and screwed it in to my neck. Even though all that was going on mom could hear me crying.

Born: January 26, 2004
Time: 12:02 PM
Weight: 7 lbs 7 oz
Height: 21 inches